
End of Tenancy Cleaning

Book End of Tenancy Cleaning now

End of Tenancy Cleaning in London

End of tenancy cleaning services are designed for domestic and commercial clients who need professional cleaning before they move in or out of a property. Move out cleaning services are most popular amongst landlords and real estate agencies who want to attract tenants to rent out their properties to, and tenants who want to get their tenancy deposit back in full.

To reduce the stress to a minimum from moving home or to prepare the property for the next tenants, book end of tenancy cleaning online or over the phone and we will send you one of our experienced cleaning teams to clean professionally your property to the highest industry standards.

What Our End Of Tenancy Cleaning Services in London Include

Daisyclean’s focus is to deliver high-quality end of tenancy cleaning results to our clients at the most affordable prices. We have fully trained staff who follow the industry best practices, and we can guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied with the result.

We use only the most efficient cleaning methods and environmentally friendly cleaning materials to get great results at minimum cost for you and the environment. Our standard End of Tenancy Cleaning includes:

  • Thorough vacuum and dust sweeping all surfaces with particular attention being given to edges, corners and other areas of difficult access.
  • All furniture, fixtures and fittings, ledges, sills and picture frames would be damp wiped/dusted/polished as required
  • All floors would be vacuum swept and where possible washed or dry mopped with a neutral detergent solution
  • Kitchen sinks and appliances would be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised with particular attention being given to the areas around taps, waste and overflow outlets.
  • All bright work would be polished to a shine.
  • Bathroom and toilet would be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised with particular attention being given to the areas around taps, waste and overflow outlets. All bright work would be polished to a shine.

Other extras may include

End of tenancy cleaning can also include:

  • Carpet Cleaning – complete or partial carpet cleaning, spot cleaning using hot water extraction for deep carpet cleaning.
  • Upholstery cleaning –sofas, armchairs, chairs, bed mattresses, cushions
  • Rug cleaning – rugs
  • Floor Cleaning and Care– floor scrubbing and polishing (vinyl, laminate, wood floors, tiles)
  • Window cleaning – external/internal, conventional, high level and facade cleaning
  • Removal and Clearance– Moving home, Man and Van service, Rubbish and garden clearance
  • Handyman and Property Maintenance – Plumbing, electrical, drain, decorating, carpentry and locksmith services

End of tenancy cleaning services are designed for domestic and commercial clients who need professional cleaning before they move in or out of a property. Move out cleaning services are most popular amongst landlords and real estate agencies who want to attract tenants to rent out their properties to, and tenants who want to get their tenancy deposit back in full.

To reduce the stress to a minimum from moving home or to prepare the property for the next tenants, book end of tenancy cleaning online or over the phone and we will send you one of our experienced cleaning teams to clean professionally your property to the highest industry standards.

Schedule your End of Tenancy Cleaning

Get Started

Our Booking process in 
easy steps

Pick the cleaning services 
you want from the list
Select Extras to add to your
Pick  a date and time, 
set recurring appointments
Enter your details,
pay and book online
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